Welcome to my blog!

Hi there! 

I’m a writer from New Orleans, LA . I created this site to share my stories and thoughts about navigating the complexities of the modern world. My goal is to connect with people who face similar challenges.

Hopefully my life hacks can benefit you, and I’d love it if you share any of your life hacks or unique perspectives with me!

In addition, I’ve always wanted to be a part of a book club but never quite got up the nerve.  My blog and short fiction give me a chance to be a part of a virtual book club with a global audience!

woman riding on vehicle putting her head and right arm outside the window while travelling the road

About me and this blog…

Joseph’s Stories & Blog

This site documents challenges I face as a single adult in today’s complex world and how I conquer them. Much of this is accomplished by reading and acting on information from good ole fashioned books. As someone who didn’t have a lot of parental guidance growing up, I let books show me the way. A single book changed my career path–mid-career! And another book changed my financial life! Books are wonderful!

Having grown up in poverty, part of my journey is the discovery of how to create wealth so that I can improve my quality of life. So a lot of my blog content is around financial ideas and experiments. The other part of my childhood was using my vivid imagination to escape what at times was a very painful and harsh reality. One of the ways I accomplished that was by writing short stories. Hopefully people will find them to be great ways to escape–goodness knows we could all use more of that nowadays–or ways of seeing life through a new lens.

Thank you for stopping by! Please check out my stories or blog and share your thoughts.  I’d love to hear from you!